Voice in a Million 2024

We are very excited to announce that Mayhill will be participating in Voice in a Million on Wednesday 20th March 2024 and will be taking the musical theatre club. For parent’s information, this is the same afternoon as the Spring Rocksteady Concert.

What is Voice in a Million?

Billed as ‘the world’s most spectacular school concert’, Voice in a Million, now in its 15th year is an opportunity for children from all over the country to join together in song to promote the important message that ‘Every child matters; and every child deserves a loving family’. They give a mouthpiece to the thousands of children throughout the UK that are in the care system; and they actively promote adoption and fostering.

We will be learning the songs and dances in Spring term within the club and all rehearsal materials including lyric sheets, sheet music, backing tracks, guide vocal tracks and dance moves videos will also be able to be accessed at home, should your child wish to practice more!

The concert is held at the OVO Arena, Wembley and we will leave school at 12:15 by coach and will return to school at around midnight. As this is a late night for the children, we would also allow them a lie in if they wish and come to school for a 10am start on Thursday 21st March.

Timings of the Day

  • 12.15pm              Coach leaves school.
  • 1.30 – 2.30pm   Schools arrive at the arena.
  • 3.15pm                 Start with the banner parade rehearsal followed by the main show rehearsal.
  • 5.15pm                 Break for refreshments. All children to bring a packed tea, snacks and any drinks.
    • During the refreshment break, all choir members put on their T-shirts prior to the evening performance.
  • 6.00pm                 Main doors open for the audience
  • 7.15pm                 The Show Starts
  • 8.20pm                 Interval
  • 9.50pm                 Show finishes
  • 12.00am              Coach arrives in the High Street. Children to be collected from Mayhill.


All children will be required to purchase an official VIAM T-Shirt to wear at the event (and keep).  The cost of the T-shirt will be £15.  On our registration form you will also be asked for your child’s T-shirt size.  This will then be sent to VIAM and we will collect the T-shirts on the day. Please see this table for the sizing guidance.

Cost of the Trip

We are asking for a contribution of £25 for the trip.  This will cover the T-Shirt (£15) and £10 towards the cost of the coach.  Odiham Music Foundation is kindly providing a donation to cover the remaining coach fees. If your child is entitled to free school meals you will not be expected to pay for this trip, however, we do require you to complete the online permission form on ScoPay.

To Attend the Trip

If your child would like to attend there are two important steps that need to be followed:

  1. Visit SCOPAY and give permission for your child to attend the trip and pay £25.
  2. Complete the form on our website – Parents Information- Clubs and Trips- Voice in a Million

Official Registration is done directly with VIAM so you will need to provide us with your email address and we will forward this information to VIAM. VIAM will then send you registration details to fill out for your child. If you have multiple children attending, you will need to use multiple email addresses.

  • If your child does not wish to attend, please complete the slip below or let the school office know.  

These two steps need to be completed by Wednesday 22nd November.

Parent Tickets

There is an opportunity for parents to come and watch the final performance when doors open at 6pm. If you are wishing to do this, you will be able to purchase tickets up to the date of the event at https://store.voiceinamillion.com/.  Tickets are priced at £34.75 each.  PLEASE NOTE:  Children will still need to travel back to Odiham on the school coach, regardless if parents are choosing to visit themselves.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Miss Argent or Mrs McLaughlin

Voice In A Million- 20th March 2024

Child's Name(Required)
Parent Email(Required)
Each child will need a unique email address for registration