
Homework at Mayhill consists of a number of different elements:

  • Reading. As reading is such a fundamental skill to practice, your child will have a reading record and should be recording when they read throughout the week. This will be checked weekly. Children are encouraged to read at home daily, including reading aloud to an adultn alongside independent silent reading.
  • Times Tables. Each child has a login to Times Tables Rockstars (TTRS) to be able to practice their times tables. They can gain points, customise their avatar and even challenge each other. There will be competitions run throughout the year for the children to compete as a class against the rest of the school!
  • Spellings. Every Wednesday, children will be given spellings to take home and learn, associated with a particular rule. Spelling tests are on Mondays. The children might be tested on other spellings not on the list but that follow the same rule to see if they can apply this rule. E.g. The rule is the prefix ‘il’. The child might be given illogical to learn, they might also be tested on the word illegal.
  • Year 3/4 children will be given a piece of homework weekly (Year 3 will start this in the spring term) , which relates to their in-class learning. This could have a maths/literacy focus or might be related to the wider curriculum. This will be given out on a Wednesday and will be due in the following Monday.
  • Year 5/6 children will be given CGP 10 Minute Workout books for their homework. Each week they will be sent home with a maths book and either a comprehension or a grammar book. These will be given out on a Wednesday and will be due in the following Monday.